Addition & Subtraction of Integers
What is a Number?
A mathematical symbol of value. Numbers are used to measure, count, and label.
Integers are positive whole numbers, negative numbers, and zero.
Is Zero a Number?
It has NO VALUE... yes it does, it has a value of NONE!MindMap
The above link will bring you to a "Mind Map" that I created on the topic of inters. This map is full of links to websites containing videos, lesson plans, games for students, problem examples, and helpful tips on how to explain some of the concepts included in the idea of numbers.
The Addition of Integers
Video Explanation of Integer Addition
- (+/-) When adding two integers with unlike signs (one positive and one negative) look at their absolute values and subtract the smaller one from the larger, the answer will have the same sign as the larger.
- (-/-) Add the absoute values and attach a negative sign (-) to the sum.
- (+/+) Just add together, the answer will be positive.
- In adding integers, it does not matter which you add first, second, third, etc. you will get the same sum in the end no matter what order you add them in.
Addition is the combining of two or more values into one. In early mathematics students may benefit from using manipulatives such as counting blocks or other objects, dice, dominoes, or their fingers. Color coded counters or charged-field modeling becomes more useful once students are dealing with negative numbers. A good resource for buying these math manipulatives for use at school or home can be found at
The Subtraction of Integers
Every positive number has an opposite, or negative number, for 3 it is -3, for 297 it is -297 and for -8 it is 8. When we subtract we essentially add the opposite: a-b=a+(-b). Subtraction means to take a value away from an original value, to remove some. A good video that provides a step-by-step example of the process of subtracting can be found at
Using Number Lines to Add & Subtract
Number lines can provide a great visual representation of where a number lays in regard to value compared to other numbers. It is helpful to be able to count forward (right) or backward (left) as needed. Numbers increase in size, or value, as you move right on the number line. ALL numbers have their own special, unchanging, place on the line. In the center of this infinite line of numbers is zero. Zero is at the center because it has a value of none and is neither positive or negative. All numbers to the right of zero are positive, and to the left are negative.
Educational & Fun Games for Addition, Subtraction and Numberline Practice can be found at:
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